The 11th International Seminar & Conference on Advances in Resistance Welding and Mechanical Joining 第十一届先进电阻焊及机械连接技术国际会议

Organizers / 主办方:

Background/ 背景:

The rapid development of electric vehicles (EVs) is reshaping the automotive industry. The transition to E-mobility poses new challenges for the welding and joining of battery cells, modules and packs, as well as electric motors and power electronics. The need for reducing CO2 emissions and improving vehicle performance has promoted the application of lightweight materials such as higher-strength steels, aluminum alloys, die-cast aluminum, and dissimilar materials.


These trends require new developments and production of more advanced materials with higher strength-to-weight ratios, and also have complicated the welding and joining processes requiring more intelligent welding process optimizations and sophisticated weld quality assurance.


To keep up to date with technology advancements in the field of resistance welding and mechanical joining, and to provide an opportunity for industrialists and welding specialists to share their expertise, experiences and outlooks at an international level, a series of biennial international seminars has been organized by SWANTEC since 2000 in collaborations with various co-organizing partners alternatively in Europe, North America and Asia. The 11th seminar will be held in 2024 in Shanghai, China.

为了促进电阻焊和机械连接领域的技术进步,并为工业界人士和焊接专家提供一个分享创新成果和技术发展趋势的国际交流平台,自 2000 年以来,SWANTEC 公司与欧洲、北美和亚洲的不同合作伙伴轮流组织了一系列两年一次的国际研讨会。2024年 10 月,期待与您相聚上海。

Topics /主题:

  • · E-Mobility transformations and its challenges to welding and joining. 新能源出行在焊接与铆接领域带来的转型及挑战
  • · Light-weight designs and assemblies with AHSS, die-casting aluminum, dissimilar materials.基于超高强钢、压铸铝、异质材料的轻量化结构设计和装配
  • · Welding and joining of battery cells, modules and packs.电池单元、电池模组和电池包的焊接和连接
  • · Welding and joining of powertrain and power electronics.传动系统和电力电子器件的焊接和连接
  • · Digitalization of welding, simulations, digital twins and AI.焊接过程数字化,数值模拟、数字孪生和人工智能
  • · Welding process monitoring and weld quality inspections.焊接过程监控和焊接质量检测
  • · Welding equipment, machines, and adaptive controls.焊接设备、机器及其自适应控制
  • · Electrode materials, tip dressing, and tooling techniques.电极材料、电极修磨和工具技术
  • · Mechanical joining (SPR and clinching) and hybrid joining techniques.机械连接(SPR 和 clinching)和复合连接技术

Language/ 大会语言:

All papers and presentations will be in English.所有论文和演示将使用英文进行。

Important dates / 重要日期:

  • Deadline for submission of title and abstract (1 page): - 31 May 2024标题和摘要提交截止日期(1页): -2024年5月31日
  • Deadline for submission of full paper (8-12 pages) - 31 July 2024全文提交截止日期(8-12页): - 2024年7月31日
  • Seminar and conference dates: - 9-11 October 2024大会会议日期: - 2024年10月9-11日

Venue information / 会议地点:

Platinum Hanjue Hotel (Shanghai)/ 上海闵行白金汉爵大酒店

No.1577 Humin Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China / 上海市闵行区沪闵路1577号查看地图

Tel / 电话:+86 21 3185 8888

Announcement and Preliminary Program / 公告和初步计划Authors Instructions / 作者须知Register now / 立即注册


  • 1st: Oct 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark 第一届:2000年10月 丹麦 哥本哈根
  • 2nd: Nov 2002, Aachen, Germany 第二届:2002年11月 德国 亚琛
  • 3rd: Nov 2004, Berlin, Germany 第三届:2004年11月 德国 柏林
  • 4th: Nov 2006, Wels, Austria 第四届:2006年11月 奥地利 韦尔斯
  • 5th: Sept 2008, Toronto, Canada 第五届:2008年9月 加拿大 多伦多
  • 6th: Sept 2010, Hamburg, Germany 第六届:2010年9月 德国 汉堡
  • 7th: Sept 2012, Busan, Korea 第七届:2012年9月 韩国 釜山
  • 8th: Sept 2014, Baveno, Italy 第八届:2014年9月 意大利 巴韦诺
  • 9th: Apr 2016, Miami, USA (American Welding Society) 第九届:2016年4月 美国 迈阿密 (美国焊接学会)
  • 10th: Sept 2018, Esslingen, Germany 第十届:2018年9月 德国 埃斯林根

Previous Participants / 往届参会单位:


We are sincerely looking forward to cooperatering with you.
